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German newspaper praises Hungarian and Polish refugee policy

The German press has been criticized by the German newspaper Die Welt for being surprised by Hungary and Poland hosting Ukrainian refugees, saying that long-distance migrants were not accepted in the 2015 crisis. According to Die Welt, the German press “does not recognize the difference between protecting refugees from neighboring countries and immigration from continents.” through the asylum system.

“Russia, which is occupied by Russia, lies directly on the borders of Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. Anyone who does not want to fight and reach security can achieve his goal by crossing the border with neighboring countries. (…) When the Poles returned refugees to their country. Belarus, they did not Anyone is blocked or “people are being stopped at the borders of Hungary who have already left their warlike country away and left Turkey mostly for Greece and from there crossed the Balkans,” explains German editor Die Welt to journalists.

author tooHe asserts that Ukrainian refugees are also culturally closer to Central and Eastern Europe than Muslims.As it mentions Most of the refugees in Ukraine are women and children. Most men are not allowed to pass, but even those who have died will return to fight. On the other hand

In the wave of migration from the Middle East and Africa, young people were overrepresented.

Finally, the author calls for Germans to open their doors to those from poorer countries in Africa and Asia, but adds: “Nevertheless, the differences between recent transcontinental migration and the temporary reception of refugees from neighboring countries must be recognized.”

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